There an exciting new WordPress plugin coming soon. The Google Site Kit plugin is bringing some of the best Google Tools directly into your WordPress dashboard. It’s not available yet, but Google is asking for early access Beta testers now.
Having easy access to your Google Search Console & Google Analytics is going to help with SEO for most web developers. Just knowing which search terms your website is ranking for will be so much easier.
For all you WordPress experts Google will be releasing Site Kit sometime in 2019 so if you’re interested in geeting access, apply for the early access program now.
According to Google we’ll be able to access Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Adsense & Google Pagespeed Insights directly form the dashbooard. So far it’s not adding anything that you can’t access directly in Google Tools themselves, but it’s really about the convenience. Hopefully the plugin will be well designed and won’t add any other issues to a typical WordPress installation.